JSC "Corporation "ENGEOCOM" (Russian Federation)
7, Yakovoapostolski pereulok, 103064, Moscow
Tel.: +7 495 933-48-05
Fax: +7 495 975-25-14
The chief engineer - Ilya V. Makovski
Tel.: +7 495 917-15-63
E-mail: engeocom@ipcom.ru
6, rue de Watford - 92000 NANTERRE, France
The president - Jean-Pierre Lamoure
Tel.: +33 0 1 47 76 54 30
Fax: +33 0 1 47 76 31 57
Central Europe Manager - Bruno Lacoin
Tel.: +33 0 1 47 76 42 62
Fax: +33 0 1 47 76 56 51
Representative office in Russian Federation, JSC "SOLETANCHESTROY"
3, Rozhdestvenka Street, 103012, Moscow
The head of the representatives, president JSC "SOLETANCHESTROY" - Jean-Pierre Joubay
Tel.: +7 495 621-47-92
Fax: +7 495 698-37-16
E-mail: jean-pierre.joubay@soletanche-bachy.com
Representative office in Russian Federation, “Hines” (USA)
7, Gashek Street, “Ducat Place II”, office 620, 123056, Moscow
Vice-President - Construction - R. Bruce Frey
Tel.: +7 495 785-05-00
Fax: +7 495 785-05-10
Representative office in Russian Federation, “Ove Arup & Partners International” Ltd. (UK)
36, Krasnoproletarskaya Street, 4 floor, 127473, Moscow
The head of the representatives - Alan Hart
Tel.: +7 495 933-75-57
Fax: +7 495 933-75-77
“Skidmore, Owings & Merrill” Inc. (UK)
30 Millbank, London SW1P 4SD
Tel.: +44 0 20 7798 1000
Fax: +44 0 20 7798 1100
“Rincent BTP Services” (France)
"ELSE" S.p.a. (Italy)
7, Via Giuseppe Sacchi, 20121 Milano, Italy
The president - Carlo Vandoni
Fax: +39 02 869 31 70
E-mail: else@elsespa.it
JSC "Mosproekt" (Russian Federation)
13/14, 1nd Brestskaya Street, 125190, Moscow
The director general - Vladimir V. Staiscal
Tel.: +7 495 250-50-33
Fax: +7 499 973-20-67
E-mail: aua@mosproject.ru
The chief engineer - Valery B. Karganov
Tel.: +7 495 250-23-92
GUP "Mosproekt-2" (Russian Federation)
5, 2nd Brestskaya Street, 123056, Moscow
The director general - Michael M. Pasohin
Tel.: +7 495 694-56-47
Fax: +7 495 694-55-71
The Workshop 11 chief - Svetlana A. Arendaruk
Tel.: +7 495 251-92-45
Fax: +7 495 251-92-45
GUP MNIIP "Mosproekt-4" (Russian Federation)
29a, 2nd Brestskaya Street, 123056, Moscow
The company executive - Andrew V. Bokov
The chief engineer - Vyacheslav A. Zaziyants
Tel.: +7 495 251-59-31
Fax: +7 495 251-59-23
E-mail: mniip@infostroy.ru
Samsung Corp. Engineering and Construction Group (Republic Korea)
1, Bolshoy Gnezdnikovsky pereulok, Bldg. 2, 103009, Moscow
The head of the representatives - Lim Hong Tak
Tel.: +7 495 797-25-83
Fax: +7 495 797-25-60
(NIIOSP name N.M. Gersevanov)
6, 2nd Institute Street, 109428, Moscow
The director, academician, member of the Russian Academy of architecture and building science,
D.T.S., professor - Vyacheslav A. Ilichev
Tel.: +7 495 171-22-44
Fax: +7 495 171-37-01
"GIDROKOR" Ltd. (Russian Federation)
18, Hrustalnaya Street, 193019, St. Petersburg
The director general - Alexander Y. Markov
The chief engineer - Yuri V. Domenyuk
Tel.: +7 812 567-56-57
Fax: +7 812 567-56-66
E-mail: post@gidrokor.ru
"SKANSKA" (Finland)
P.O. Box 114,
00101, Helsinki, Finland,
Paciuksenkatu 25
The president - Martti Rautee
Tel.: +358 9 6152 2203
Fax: +358 9 6152 2236
Skanska East Europe Representative office in Moscow:
Tel.: +7 495 252-30-05
Architect's studio "Group ABV” Ltd. (Russian Federation)
12, 50, Malaya Bronnaya Street, Moscow
Tel.: +7 495 203-66-98
Fax: +7 495 202-02-85
E-mail: abv2@aha.ru
2a, M. Krivonosa Street, 03180, Kiev
The company executive - Alexander S. Gorodetski
Tel.: +380 44 248-8912
Fax: +380 44 248-8912
E-mail: alex-gor@gor.kiev.ua
"LIRA" support - Yuri V. Genzerski
Tel.: +380 44 249-3482
Fax: +380 44 248-8876
E-mail: lira@lira.kiev.ua
"TIMR" information and publishing centre (Russian Federation)
2/21, Lenskaya Street, 129327, Moscow
The director general - Nicholai N. Smirnov
The executive director - Vera V. Nilva
Tel.: +7 495 186-02-83, 186-41-10
Fax: +7 495 470-21-01
E-mail: center-timr@mtu-net.ru
Russian Tunnelling Association (Russian Federation)
21/1, Sadovaya-Spasskaya Street, 107217, Moscow
The president - Vladimir A. Brezhnev
The vice-president - S.N. Vlasov
Tel.: +7 495 208-80-32, 208-80-34, 208-81-72
Fax: +7 495 607-32-76
JSC SYRACUSE (Russian Federation)
bldg. 1, 12, Voznesenski pereulok, 103009, Moscow
The director general – Michael A. Snitko
The chief engineer – Gennady P. Gaev
Tel.: +7 495 692-31-05, 629-06-46, 629-02-66
Fax: +7 495 692-31-14
CODEST International S.R.L. (Italy)
7, Soimonovski proezd, 119034, Moscow
The authorized representative – Guido Benedetti
Tel.: 7 495 967-18-00
Fax: +7 495 967-18-18
E-mail: codest@codest.ru
"The Architectural bureau "Ostozhenka" Ltd. (Russian Federation)
office 38, 3/14, Ostozhenka Street, 119034, Moscow
The director – Alexander A. Skokan
Tel.: +7 495 290-00-67, 291-99-55
Fax: +7 495 203-51-72
E-mail: ostarch@cityline.ru
"Enterpise "Group ARK" Ltd. (Russian Federation)
office 75, 37/15, Pokrovka Street, 105062, Moscow
The director – Oleg A. Tolkachyov
Tel.: +7 495 917-49-24, 250-95-93
Fax: +7 495 917-49-24
E-mail: grark@orc.ru
EPC (Russian Federation)
office 510, 34, Komsomolsky ave., 614008, Perm
The technical director - Alexei Malinin
Tel.: +7 3422 196-361
Fax: +7 3422 196-103
E-mail: epc@permlink.ru
Representative office in Moscow, JSC "IRITO" (Russian Federation)
12, Kosmonavt Volkov Street, Bldg. 1, Moscow
Tel.: +7 495 234-02-20
Fax: +7 495 159-93-11
E-mail: mail@irito.ru